Today I read a rhetorical situation where the author, Nicholas Carr, used facts to back up his theory about "How the Internet Is Making Us Stupid" ( I began reading the article with a very open mind until I came to the second paragraph where he states:
But our dependence on the internet has a dark side. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the net, with its constant distractions and interruptions, is turning us into scattered and superficial thinkers.
Everything happens for a reason. The internet and technology is not making us stupid it is moving us towards a new awakening, one that never will never be possible until we go through these stages of evolution. I am curious what the author thought he was going to accomplish by publishing he article. He was researching to write a book about his findings. Did he feel he would change the direction our world was aiming towards by stating how it is turning us into a horrible shallow society? If anything I feel his article gave people things to reflect upon and decide for themselves where it is our world is headed. There may be others out there who support and believe in his views, but if he were looking as deeply as he is claiming needs to be done he would be able to see that there is a much bigger picture going on here. I am not saying I am right and he is wrong I am saying that this is all playing out just as it should and that through negative persuasion people can be forced to look deeper into the darkness until the light is found.
What do you think? Did you read the article? What are your views on how our world is evolving?

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