What is intent?
Intent is the actual feeling you have when you have a thought. If your intent is not properly expressed it will create obstacles, dysfunctional habits, and pain. Living in accordance with your intent will literally solve all your problems. Let’s explore this a little further.
How can living from your true intent really solve all your problems?
You are invited to a party of someone who you firmly dislike. You feel obligated to go because all of your friends seem to like this person and you do not want to be left out or frowned upon for not going. The party requires you to pay a cover at the door of $10 and everyone is bringing a gift.
Let’s look at what happens if we do not follow our intent first.
It’s Saturday and you wake up excited it’s the weekend. You have been so exhausted from the long week and extra hours you put in at work. All you want to do is relax and enjoy yourself. Suddenly you remember that everyone is going to Jack’s birthday party at Club Innuendo and your heart sinks. Jack is the last person you want to spend your Saturday night with, he is always cursing at waitresses and making racial jokes and remarks about people when they aren’t around. He is not a nice person and you do not want to waste your hard earned money on him.
The phone rings and it’s your best friend Sally asking if you are going to the party tonight? You contemplate telling her no because Jack is an ass but you say yes because you know she is going and you do not want her to be upset with you. Sally gets all excited and hangs up. The day drags on you drag yourself to the store to buy Jack a gift and spend all afternoon trying to find something cheap but acceptable. When you finally get home you sit down at the computer procrastinating to get ready. It’s now one hour until the party and you haven’t even showered yet and you do not even want to go. You think of all kinds of reasons to cancel and you cannot find a good enough one and decide to get in the shower and suck it up anyway.
You take your time getting ready and show up to the party an hour later than all your friends. Throughout the evening you are disgusted being there and just want to go home. The drinks are overpriced and Jack is being an ass and you can’t believe no one is saying anything to him about it. Finally the club is closing and you go home relieved it’s finally over. You sleep in the next day and waste the day away drained from a long evening out. At least your friends aren’t mad at you. Good thing no one told Jack how rude he was it may have spoiled his night.
It’s all over now and you sigh relief. How do you really feel?
Now let’s change things a bit and make life a lot easier.
It’s Saturday and you wake up excited it’s the weekend. You have been so exhausted from the long week and extra hours you put in at work. All you want to do is relax and enjoy yourself. Suddenly you remember that everyone is going to Jack’s birthday party at Club Innuendo and your heart sinks. Jack is not a nice guy and you do not want to go.
The phone rings and it’s your best friend Sally asking you if you are going to the party. Sally seems very excited and cannot wait for the evening. You tell Sally that you do not really care for Jack because he isn’t the nicest person to be around and you do not really want to spend your only day off celebrating someone’s birthday you do not even like. Sally understands and tries to convince you to go anyway but you explain to her that you will hang out with her Sunday and for her to go enjoy herself at the party.
Look at how much pain you saved yourself! You did not spend an entire day trying to buy a gift for someone you do not like instead you took your dog for a walk at the park and treated yourself to a movie you have been excited to see. Your friend Sally came over the next day and you went to lunch and you heard all about Jack’s party and how he ended up being escorted out for being overly obnoxious with the waitresses.
Now how do you feel?
This scenario can be played out a million times over with any seemingly complicated situation but as long as you follow your hearts true desires and stay true to yourself and not worry what others think you will be the winner in the end.
As the mystic Osho said be courageous enough to take responsibility for who you are and live your truth!
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