Understanding "Soulmates"
As humans we long for connection and the exchange of true love. We can not survive without it so during our time in this incarnation we roam the earth on a journey to find our soulmate or "the one". But what we really discover as we go about this transformative path is what we are really looking for is a connection to who and what we really are...when we find our mates or any relationship we have actually found a mirror. In the beginning this mirror is grand and perfect and it is exactly what we have always wanted! In those early moments we have found ourselves....and as our expectations take hold we begin to see things we do not like in the other. This too is our perfect reflection. So what do we do? Mostly we long again for the connection and we go about our journey again thinking we are looking for something in someone else....but we are not. Your soulmate is "you" and when you truly do find your soulmate, yourself, and you feel that connection you long for only then will you be able to have a truly human unconditional connection with no expectations with another person. You have discovered your soulmate has been with you all along and that when you connect with others it is more beautiful than you ever imagined. So as you move forward on your path of searching try and change your perspective and be open to what you find because it is not what you have always thought it to be, it much closer and easier to find! It is you!