The closer you get to source, the divine, your higher self, and your soul (which are all one in the same) you begin to allow a flow of universal knowledge creep into your current awareness that helps your consciousness on this level expand beyond the hidden depths you have always wondered about. We know all answers on a subconscious level so when this creeping in of universal knowledge comes we have an instant epiphany or an "aha" moment! Lately, I have been tapping into source as I allow life to lead me to the exact place I need to be and I would like to take a moment and use words, be it limiting as they may be, and share with you the knowledge that has creeped into my awareness in hopes that it resonates with you and allows you to have your own aha moment!
As of late I have realized that dreaming is not as we have always known it to be. Dreaming is actually us aware in other consciousnesses and because there is not time and space in dreams sometimes these consciousnesses blend together and make no sense at all. The other reason they may not make sense is due to the fact that we live in a very conditioned reality mentally in this consciousness, or timeline if you will, and when we try to fathom our dreams we just simply can not. What we do with dreams is we try to use them metaphorically so we can relate to them and what we do have going on in this consciousness. There is complete validity in this process because even though we are aware of other consciousnesses when we are asleep those other realities are still a part of our souls. It is hard to grasp this because we think singularly and we think in time and space but truly everything is simultaneous, continuous, and now which allows us to be able to tap into our awareness in other consciousnesses that we are divinely connected to. On that note because we are connected to them in no time and space we can relate to what they are going through and can use them in our waking moment to add insight and knowledge in our lives.
Shamans do this. They tap into the universal consciousness and bring back knowledge and awareness. They time travel and they multi dimensional travel. They become aware in the physical realities of animals, people, other beings, other streams of consciousness and they do it at will. BUT we all do it every night. Shamans know how to get themselves into that state of consciousness and its as easy as going to sleep. We all have the power and capability of tapping into universal knowledge, other souls consciousness, collective consciousnesses, other realities and life forms, various places in what appears to be different times in space, other dimensions and timelines. We all have the ability and we do it every single night or when ever we are in certain altered states of consciousness. We even experience it in our waking moments and try to put labels on it like "super natural" or "de ja vue".
So we are all untrained shamans with the power to shift this consciousness to great heights and in doing so, becoming aware of this gift and using it, we in turn shift this timelines collective consciousness and our world begins to change as we know it. This is all already happening...and here we are worried about how we are gonna pay our bills or find a job. Why do we worry about these things when we have the power to answer all our questions and move past the simply yet complicated reality of this consciousness and timeline. Tune in and shift and help this world out!
The next time you dream think about this article. Look at your dreams from a new awareness. Once you are able to shift this awareness you will begin to see the power is much greater and use this gift in your waking moment and tap into universal knowledge at will. It is not as hard as it is to believe its as easy as going to sleep. You may not be able to fathom it just yet and some of this knowledge may be laying on deaf ears but the seed is now planets and in time you and many other will bring this knowledge more into awareness and this reality will shift beyond your wildest dreams (no pun intended lol)
Peace, love, light, and universal knowledge to you all!
~Lori Marie