We have to trust that life is happening just as it should. Even though the outcome is not what we want it we truly have to suck it up, bite down and bear it, and go with the flow. As soon as we force things that are not necessarily meant to be we have created friction and mad things that much harder for ourselves. It's kind of like when the judge says you need to go to jail for a month for a petty crime and you're so angry because you felt the sentence was unfair that while your in jail you fight everyone who crosses your path. Looks like you just made your pain that much worse and your sentence that much longer.
In the end we always have a choice and if we want to choose "the easiest" route we need to just go with what the universe deals us with as little resistance as possible. Do not get me wrong. There will be challenges that the universe sends us that does call for our attention, but you truly need to decide when the universe is showing you a different path and when you need to grab the shovel to get through that path. Getting in tune with your higher self and looking within to what is true and real is very important for our connection to what the universe has in store for us. We do not need to walk upon this earth blindly accepting whatever is in front of us....the universe is constantly talking to us and explaining what is happening in the moment...it is up to you if you choose to tune in and listen or tune out and be a pawn. Once again you have a choice. In the mean time try not to force things....and go with the flow...and when your ready....take that step to learn how to go within and suddenly learn the language of the gods....silence.